Friday 25 November 2016

The Green Man.

The Green Man is found everywhere and is noticed nowhere. He is found on branded products on pub signs, carved into trees in ancient forest and (without explanation) on rooftops looking down- but who is he and what does he tell us?

The Green Man is the sacred masculine. He is a nature spirit that is always just out of sight and yet always nearby. He is a protector of nature but also part of nature, recognising the cycle of life and death. As a result he rejects the sentimental Disney view of nature and would probably support fox hunting.
A photo posted by Richard Ford ( on

The green movement has failed the earth because it is based upon sentiment, virtue signalling and political expediency (it has been subverted by leftists who love to regulate everything). The green man has none of these weaknesses. He lives alone in the forest, knows the violence of nature and he is the last free man. 

The Green Man tells us that we are a part of nature. We have the right to eat what we find just as any other animal but we should leave something for those who follow.

The photographs were taken in the green man pub in the City. The pictures demonstrate the hidden in plain sight nature of the archetype. 

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