Monday 3 August 2015

Eccentric Pride.

We have no legal right to speak- but we have the right to be rather odd.

It was once illegal to be an active homosexual in Britain. The law was not that actively enforced- the aim seemed to be to keep homosexuals out of sight rather than actively to hunt them down. Nevertheless an oppressive law.

Fortunately gay men in particular fought back.They did this not only with courage and ferocity but also with humor and charm. They made the straight world love them as well as merely tolerate them.

In the UK this was done by playing the eccentric card. Gay men (this tactic was most often used by men) would act so outrageously within the stereotype that the stereotype itself became a joke. Most straight people forgot their fear and joined in the with the joke.

Most English people feel they have a moral obligation to tolerate eccentricity rather as North Americans feel they have a moral obligation to tolerate free speech.

The manosphere is facing increasing attacks upon its rights to free speech. Nobody is prepared to stand along side us yet almost everyone supports the rights of the eccentric to be different.

So let us be eccentric. We do not have to do anything new in order to do this. We have eccentric views already. Most of us also lead strange lives. All we have to do is come out of the closet about them.

I will meet and interview fellow eccentrics in London. By doing so I hope to build a community that can defend itself as effectively as the LGBT did when it was attacked.

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