Saturday 7 January 2017

The Horniman Merman, one hundred tweeting moles and the groaning monument.

Today I take a walk is the strangest city on earth. What will it teach me today?

First pick the right social network.
A photo posted by Richard Ford ( on

An art installation on the London Underground and a City side street.
My own choices are Facebook (the big one). I retain it these days mainly to help me log in to other services. Unfortunately Facebook is in the process of committing suicide much as Twitter did. It has taken to promoting exclusively leftist positions and banning those who point this out. It survives only because there is no alternative with such a reach.

I like Voat (a friendly and spam free Reddit clone). This has a superior interface to Reddit but only a fraction of the traffic. The main appeal is the quality of the information posted.  This is probably the same as Reddit but it is easier to find due to the lack of spam and trolling. Unfortunately not every subject is covered by a board so it is a bit hit and miss. Voat is also distracting unless one limits the number of subjects one subscribes to.

Gab is a free speech alternative to Twitter. Rather than join a board one searches for a hashtag, resulting in a far more flexible search option. Gab is a fabulous way to ferret out obscure facts on obscure topics but possibly Voat is better for an overview.

Facebook is the only network likely to lose us our jobs and for this reason it was the first to be edited.

Most employers monitor these accounts. My own boss 'friended' me so I was obliged to 'friend' him back. He is an OK guy but do I want him to know that much about me? He probably imagines he can see everything I post on Facebook but actually I make the sensitive stuff visible only to 'special friends'. This is a win-win situation as his main concern is probably that I might associate his company with something weird and making my posts close friends only protects us both.

If you wish to change the visibility of your own Facebook posts simply go the the drop down menu below you name inside the individual post you wish to change.

I have also stopped following people who post extreme opinions. This is not an act of censorship as they can still post whatever they wish- but without associating it with me. Most of the time unfolowing stops the material but sometimes it does not. This is because some people actively post material to other peoples walls. When this happens I have no option but to unfriend them.

I then began to introduce some of my own. This includes links to my blog posts, links to my favourite apps and photographs of my qualifications. This is virtue signalling of course but with ones employer one has an excuse.

You may find me under the name 'richardwrites' on both Voat and Gab.

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